- 2016 REPORT: Assessment Matters: Constructing Model State Systems to Replace Testing Overkill
- 2016 Fact Sheet: Overhauling Assessment to Improve Teaching and Learning: New Opportunities under the Every Student Succeeds Act
- Assessment that Supports Education – Short Video on Mission Hill School
- A Better Way to Assess Students and Evaluate Schools
- “Multiple Measures: A Definition and Examples from the U.S. and Other Nations.” Includes a 2-page summary, 10 pp of text, and 2 appendices.
- Position Paper on Assessment for Learning, from the Third International Conference on Assessment for Learning (AFL), provides an excellent definition and explanation of AFL’s educational value. HTMLor PDF
- FairTest Fact Sheet: The Value of Formative Assessment HTMLor PDF[MN-F3]
- Monty Neill’s article, A Child Is Not a Test Score: Assessment as a Civil Rights Issue, from the Fall 2009 issue of Root and Branch, is available here.
- Materials from the May 2009 FairTest-NEA Conference on Assessment Reform.
- The Forum on Educational Accountability Expert Panel on Assessment recommends overhaul of federal/NCLB testing and accountability provisions.
- Refocusing Accountability: Using Local Performance Assessments to Enhance Teaching and Learning for Higher Order Skills(HTML) or (PDF) – paper co-authored by FairTest; with language to amend NCLB law.
- Assessment of ELL Students under NCLB: Problems and Solutions.[MN-F5]
- Implementing Performance Assessment. A print only booklet from FairTest. Order here. http:///www.fairtest.org/resources/publications
- Principles and Indicators for Student Assessment Systems
- Annotated bibliography on Performance Assessment
- Transforming Student Assessment, by Monty Neill, FairTest Executive Director, Phi Delta Kappan, Sept. 1997. http://www.fairtest.org/transforming-student-assessment.
- How the Principles and Indicators for Student Assessment Systems Should Affect Practice presented by Monty Neill, AERA Annual Meeting, New York City, April 9, 1996 (Minor revisions, April 17, 1996).
- Learning Record Shows Promise For Accountability Uses by Monty Neill, September 1997.
- “Inside the Black Box, Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment,” by Paul Black and Dylan William, Phi Delta Kappan, October 1998. Also see FairTest Review the Value of Formative Assessment – Winter 1998-99.
- Important school and student attributes that should be assessed but are not by standardized tests– by Ron Berger, educator from Massachusetts.
- See excerpts from the December 2001 Phi Delta Kappan magazine story, which endorses the Massachusetts Coalition for Authentic Reform in Education’s Authentic Assessment plan. Let’s Treat the Cause, Not the Symptoms: Equity And Accountability in Texas Revisited,” by Richard R. Valencia, Angela Valenzuela, Kris Sloan, and Douglas E. Foley Phi Delta Kappan, Vol. 83, No. 4, December 2001
- New report: Opening Classrooms and Improving Teaching: Lessons from School Inspections in England