2,100 +
Test-Optional/Test-Free schools for 2025
Record Number of Colleges and Universities Are Test-Optional or Test-Free for Fall 2025 Applicants.
Despite news reports focusing on the few colleges that have returned to testing, most colleges have retained or extended their testing policies including: Bowdoin College, Bates, Emory University, University of Connecticut, and University of Michigan.
FairTest Report: Why College Admissions Should Remain Test Optional or Test Free
With the pushback of certain media outlets and reinstitution of standardized test requirements by an exceedingly small number of competitive colleges, we thought it a good time to respond to arguments made in favor of testing, and lay out arguments and compile studies, data, and resources in favor of test optional and test free admissions.
FairTest/NEA Report: Promoting Equity & Excellence Through Performance Based Assessment
On May 11, 2023, the NEA and FairTest convened educators, school and non-profit leaders, academics, and assessment experts for a series of panel discussions on the development and implementation of performance based assessments (PBA) as a mechanism for deeper learning and student equity. We examined the requirements for high quality assessments and scaling their use, how PBA can interact with state accountability systems, policy reform that would nurture their development, and the validity and reliability of PBA as measures of student learning.