As the assessment reform movement grows ever stronger – with many more students opting out of exams and dozens of additional colleges dropping ACT/SAT requirements – knee-jerk defenders of the test-crazy status quo have launched a nasty counter-attack focused on FairTest.
Most recent is Andrew Breitbart – the same cynical opportunist who hired phony pimps to entrap activists and faked videos so a public official appeared to have made racist statements — whose blog now hosts a lengthy diatribe against FairTest. Among the terrible things it says we have done is accept a small contribution from the United Church of Christ. And, horror-of-horrors, we work with the NAACP and the National Organization of Women.
Breitbart is not alone in targeting FairTest. Anti-civil rights spokesperson Linda Chavez chimed in with a column titled “Standardized Testing Under Attack!” Guess whom she blames for this trend?
FairTest knows we must respond aggressively to push back against this nonsense and reach more people with our message. Just in the last month, we have been quoted by the New York Times, Washington Post, Associated Press, Bloomberg News, Huffington Post, ABC, and CNN, along with hundreds of local outlets, blogs, and websites.
While our message is clearly gaining traction, with the attack on our work escalating, we need your help to increase our capacity to fight back!
FairTest remains committed to leading the national movement for fair, open and educationally sound assessment. With your continued support, we will be able to pursue that goal even more effectively.
Please stand with us in the face of these attacks by making the most generous donation possible, either securely online or by mailing a check to FairTest: P.O. Box 300204, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130.
Thank you,
Monty NeillBob Schaeffer
Executive Director Public Education Director
P.S. Your donation to FairTest will be completely tax-deductible