If you are a Massachusetts professor or researcher willing to endorse the statement, please send an email to matestingstatement@gmail.com (note: you must copy and paste this gmail address into the “To” line of an email) with “I Will Sign On” in the subject line and your name and title as you would like them to appear on the statement in the body of the email. Also, please send this information to colleagues at your college or at another college, in schools of education, or in other departments.
Note: Institutional affiliations are for identification of individuals only. In no way do they indicate that the institutions themselves endorse the statement.
1. Jorgelina Abbate-Vaughn, UMass Boston
2. Lisa M. Aguiar, MSW, Adjunct Professor, Wheelock College
3. Nina Aronoff, Wheelock College
4. Polly F. Attwood, Ed.D., Assistant Academic Specialist/Department Advisor, Dept of Education – Northeastern University
5. Theresa Austin, Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
6. Laura Baker, Assistant Professor, Westfield State University
7. Sam Baumgarten, Bridgewater State University
8. Alfredo Bautista, Post-Doctoral Associate, Tufts University, Department of Education
9. Linda V. Beardsley, M.Ed., Director of Teacher Education & School Partnerships, Senior Lecturer, Tufts University
10. Kristen Abbott Bennett, Lecturer, Graduate College of Education, English Department, University of Massachusetts Boston
11. Berta Rosa Berriz, Lesley University Arts in Learning Division
12. Dr. Katerine Bielaczyc, Director, Jacob Hiatt Center for Urban Education, Clark University
13. Linda Blum, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Northeastern University
14. Maria José Botelho, Assistant Professor, University of Massachusetts Amherst
15. George Branigan, Associate Professor of Education, Stonehill College
16. Gretchen Brion-Meisels, Instructor, Harvard Graduate School of Education
17. Linda Brion-Meisels, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology and Education, Lesley College
18. John Brown, Ed.D. Lecturer, Graduate School of Education, UMass/Lowell
19. Chris Buttimer, Instructor, Ed.D. candidate, Harvard Graduate School of Education
20. Nancy Carlsson-Paige, Lesley University
21. Courtney B. Cazden, Charles William Eliot Professor of Education Emerita, Harvard University
22. Theodore Chao, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Harvard Graduate School of Education
23. Dan Clawson, Professor of Sociology, University of Massachusetts Amherst
24. Katherine Clunis D’Andrea, UMASS Boston
25. Steve Cohen, Education Department, Tufts University
26. Grace J. Craig, Professor Emerita, School of Education, University of Massachusetts Amherst
27. John Dacey, Boston College
28. Vivian Dalila Carlo, Ed.D., Associate Professor, Lesley University Graduate School of Education
29. Thomas Del Prete, Ed.D., Director, Adam Institute for Urban Teaching and School Practice, Clark University
30. Eric DeMeulenaere, Ph.D., Clark University
31. Robin DiAngelo, Ph.D., Westfield State University
32. Holly Dolan, Associate Professor of Practice, Jacob Hiatt Center for Urban Education, Clark University
33. Sarah Dryden-Peterson, Assistant Professor of Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education
34. Eleanor Duckworth, Harvard University
35. Liz Dawes Duraisingh, Ed.D., Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education
36. Marcia Edson, Clinical Assistant Professor, Boston University School of Education
37. Stephan Ellenwood, Associate Professor of Education, School of Education, Boston University
38. Brenda Engel, retired, Lesley University
39. Kevin Fahey, Salem State University
40. Heidi Fessenden, Second Grade teacher, Boston Public Schools, and Adjunct Instructor, Wheelock College, Lesley University
41. Lisa B. Fiore, Dean of Faculty & Assoc. Professor, Lesley University
42. Rona F. Flippo, Professor of Education, University of Massachusetts Boston
43. R. Clarke Fowler, Coordinator of Early Childhood Education, Salem State University
44. Ellie Friedland, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Early Childhood Education, Wheelock College
45. Chris Gallagher, Northeastern University
46. Brian Gravel, Ph.D., Director of Elementary Education, Tufts University
47. Peter Gray, Research Professor of Psychology, Boston College
48. Tina A. Grotzer, Associate Professor, Harvard Graduate School of Education
49. Lisa Guisbond, FairTest
50. Ken Haar, Associate Professor, Associate Vice President for Government Relations, Westfield State University
51. Nick Haddad, Project Director, TERC
52. David Hammer, Professor, Tufts University
53. Walt Haney, Professor, Boston College; Senior Research Associate at Center for the Study of Testing Evaluation and Educational Policy
54. Priscilla Harmel, National Faculty, Lesley University
55. Pam Hawes, Director of Teacher Training Brookwood School, Lesley University
56. George E. Hein, Professor Emeritus, Lesley University
57. Jill Hendrickson Lohmeier, Ph.D., Asst. Professor, Graduate School of Education, University of Massachusetts Lowell
58. Mary Jo Hetzel, Ph.D., Springfield College
59. Vanessa Holford Diana, Westfield State University
60. Sven Holch, Adjunct Instructor, Lesley University; Social Studies Dept. Coordinator, Brookwood School
61. Jim Horn, Professor, Cambridge College
62. Nuria Jaumot-Pascual, Senior Research Associate, TERC
63. Joeritta Jones de Almeida, Assistant Professor of Education, Wheelock College
64. Jonathan King, MIT
65. Sheila Kirschbaum, Doctoral Candidate (Ed.D.), University of Massachusetts Lowell; Director, Tsongas Industrial History Center
66. Susan Klimczak, Ed. D. Learn 2 Teach, Teach 2 Learn, South End Technology Center @ Tent City
67. Trudy Knowles, Ed. D., Westfield State University
68. Theodore Kokoros, Adjunct Professor of Early Childhood Education, Bay State College and Fisher College
69. Louis Kruger, Northeastern University
70. Thomas Kühne, Strassler Professor of Holocaust History, Clark University
71. Alexis Ladd, Adjunct Instructor, Wheelock College
72. Dr. Mary Beth Lawton, Associate Professor, Early Childhood Education, Lesley University
73. Mishy Lesser, Ed.D., Learning Director, Coexist
74. Marya R. Levenson, Professor of the Practice in Education, Brandeis University
75. Diane Levin, Wheelock College
76. Jack Levy, Ph.D., Professor, Dept of Curriculum & Instruction, University of Massachusetts Boston
77. Aviva Liebert, Ph.D., Framingham State University
78. Steven Luz-Alterman, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer, School Psychology Program, Tufts University
79. Michael MacDonald, Honors Faculty, Author-in-Residence, Northeastern University
80. George Madaus, Boisi Professor of Education and Public Policy Emeritus at Boston College
81. Barbara Madeloni, Senior Lecturer, University of Massachusetts Amherst
82. Emily Mann, MSSW, Ph.D., Human Services Program, Northeastern University
83. Ben Mardell, Program Director, Early Childhood Education, Lesley Graduate School of Education
84. Robin Marion, Westfield State University
85. Christopher Martell, Ed.D., Lecturer UMass Boston and Teacher, Framingham Public Schools
86. James E. McDermott, Ed. D., Assistant Professor, Jacob Hiatt Center for Urban Education, Clark University
87. Kirstin McEachern, Instructor, Ph.D. candidate, Boston College
88. Swati Mehta, PhD Candidate, Instructor, Boston College
89. Deborah Meier, Coalition of Essential Schools, Fair Test, SOS, Former Principal of Mission Hill Boston Public School
90. Terry Meier, Associate professor of education, Wheelock College
91. Sarah Michaels, Professor of Education and Senior Research Scholar, Hiatt Center for Urban Education; Chair, Education Department and Director, Communication and Culture Program, Clark University
92. Edward Miller, Wellfleet, Mass.; teacher and writer; former editor, Harvard Education Letter
93. Paul Naso, Lesley University Graduate School of Education
94. Linda Nathan, Ex. Director, Center for Arts in Education, Boston Arts Academy, Founding Headmaster, Boston Arts Academy.
95. James Nehring, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education, UMass/Lowell
96. Monty Neill, Ed.D., FairTest
97. Mary Ni, Ed.D., Associate Professor, Literacy, Counseling and Learner Development, Salem State University
98. Floriz Wilma Ortiz, Westfield State University
99. Robert Page, Ph.D., Framingham State University
100. Leigh Patel, Boston College
101. Barbara Pedulla, Regis College
102. Joseph J. Pedulla, Associate Professor, Lynch School of Education and Senior Research Associate, The Center for the Study of Testing, Evaluation and Educational Policy, Boston College
103. Lyda S. Peters, Professor of Education, Cambridge College
104. Erika Pilver, Westfield State University
105. Donna M. Qualters, Ph.D, Director, Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching; Associate Professor Public Health and Community Medicine; Adjunct Associate Professor Education, Tufts University
106. Sharon Rallis, Dwight W. Allen Distinguished Professor of Educational Policy and Reform, UMass Amherst
107. Isabel Raskin, Education Advocacy Clinic, Suffolk University Law School
108. Ryan Redmond, Education Department, Tufts University
109. Dr. Laurie Robertson-Lorant, Adjunct Professor, English Department, Bridgewater State University
110. Eleanor Roffman, Professor, Lesley University
111. Dirck Roosevelt, Associate Professor of Education, Director, Master of Arts in Teaching Program, Brandeis University
112. Dr Joao Rosa, Associate Professor & Chair, Dept. of Teaching & Learning, UMASS Dartmouth
113. Ricardo D. Rosa – University of Massachusetts – Dartmouth / Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies
114. Ann S. Rosebery, Co-Director, Chèche Konnen Center, TERC, Cambridge, MA
115. Al Rudnitsky, Professor of Education & Child Study, Smith College
116. Charlotte Ryan, Associate Professor, Sociology Dept, University of Massachusetts – Lowell
117. Priscilla H. Sanville, Ph.D.,Associate Professor, Lesley University, Cambridge, MA
118. Jessica Scott, Ed.M., UMass Boston Adjunct 2010-2012, Boston University Adjunct 2012, current Ed.D. candidate (HGSE)
119. Erin Seaton, Ed.D., Department of Education, Tufts University
120. Steve Seidel, Harvard Graduate School of Education
121. Clement A. Seldin, Professor Emeritus, University of Massachusetts Amherst
122. Dennis Shirley, Professor, Boston College Lynch School of Education
123. William Shorr, Ed.D., Senior Lecturer, Emmanuel College
124. Jay Simmons, Professor, Language Arts and Literacy, Faculty Chair, Graduate School of Education, University of Massachusetts Lowell
125. Elizabeth Stassinos PhD, Associate Professor of Anthropology, Westfield State University
126. Florence R. Sullivan, Associate Professor, UMass, Amherst
127. Joanne Szamreta, Lesley University
128. Peter Taylor, Critical & Creative Thinking & Science in a Changing World Programs, University of Massachusetts Boston
129. Terrence Tivnan, Human Development & Psychology, Harvard Graduate School of Education
130. Roger Tobin, Professor and Chair, Department of Physic and Astronomy, Tufts University
131. Dr. Betsy J. Tregar; Program Chair, Senior Faculty; Cambridge College Graduate School of Education
132. Tony Wagner, Ed.D., Innovation Education Fellow, Technology & Entrepreneurship Center at Harvard
133. Amanda Walker Johnson, UMass-Amherst
134. Natasha Kumar Warikoo, Assistant Professor of Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education
135. Beth Warren, Co-Director, Chèche Konnen Center, TERC
136. Alex Willingham, Dept of Political Science, Williams College
137. John Womack Jr., Robert Woods Bliss Professor of Latin American History and Economics, emeritus, Harvard University
Last updated February 19, 2013
Current list is here: http://matestingstatement.wordpress.com/about/