SAT/ACT Optional Admissions List Soars to 730 Colleges

for further information, contact
Robert Schaeffer (239) 395-6773
cell (239) 699-0468

for use on or after Tuesday, November 29, 2005
As high school students across the nation prepare for the early December administrations of the ACT and SAT admissions tests in 2005, a new survey finds that a growing number of colleges and universities do not require applicants to submit scores from either exam. According to the National Center for Fair & Open Testing (FairTest), 730 accredited, bachelor-degree granting institutions now have test score optional policies.

FairTest Public Education Director Robert Schaeffer explained, “In the past several months, seven more selective schools have dropped their test score requirements. A number of others are reviewing their admissions rules. We expect the ACT/SAT optional list to continue growing as more institutions recognize that the tests remain biased, coachable, educationally damaging and irrelevant to sound admissions practices. As leaders of the new test-optional campuses have eloquently stated, dropping ACT and SAT score requirements will enhance diversity and academic quality.”

Among the schools recently eliminating the ACT and SAT are Chatham College, the College of the Holy Cross, Drew University, Knox College, Lawrence University, St. Lawrence University, and Susquehanna University. Excerpts from the strong statements each released are included below

The full FairTest test score optional directory is accessible for no cost on the web at It is available in both alphabetical and state-by-state order.

The final SAT of 2005 will be administered on Saturday, December 3 with the ACT offered one week later on Saturday, December 10.


“We’ve basically decided to say ‘enough already.’ The recent introduction of the additional writing segments for both the SAT and ACT has further raised the level of confusion, angst and expense already associated with the admissions process.”
– Steve Syverson, Dean of Admissions
Lawrence University, Appleton, WI

“[W]e are increasingly concerned with the inherent racial and socioeconomic bias in standardized testing – as well as the fact that no test can communicate a student’s passions, interests, motivations, and achievements.”
– Frank Vellaccio, Senior Vice President
The College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA

“We live in a world increasingly obsessed by testing at all levels of education. And ‘teaching to a test’ has become more important than actually learning something. . . The current industry of costly test preparation courses is, in effect, a barrier to colleges for the students who cannot afford them.”
– Roger Taylor, President
Knox College, Galesburg, IL

“We are confident that our holistic review process will continue to allow us to assess each student’s academic ability and potential for success at St. Lawrence, regardless of whether scores from the ACT or SAT are part of the academic record.”
– Terry Cowdrey, Vice President
St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY

“Academic performance in high school really seems to be the best predictor of academic success in college . . .our most successful students tend to be those who’ve challenged themselves by pursuing a rigorous high school curriculum.”
– Chris Markle, Director of Admissions
Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA

“Standardized tests only reveal verbal and mathematical ability within a very controlled environment, but Chatham also considers qualities like creativity, ingenuity, leadership or reasoning that better indicate a successful college student.”
– Michael Poll, Vice President for Admissions
Chatham College, Pittsburgh, PA

“We are making SAT scores optional because we believe this action will help Drew increase its selectivity, improve its diversity, and enhance overall student quality. We feel this action will encourage students to focus more on what a liberal arts education has to offer them and less on test scores.
Robert Weisbuch, President
Drew University, Madison, NJ

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