Undergraduate Admissions Tests
Colleges have relied on the SAT and ACT despite limited predictive validity connected to educational outcomes and their inherent economic, gender, racial and cultural biases. Fortunately, the landscape has shifted to more holistic admissions practices. Learn about specific issues concerning the SAT and ACT as proponents attempt to modify their format and maintain their relevance.
Facts About the SAT
Explore the history and find data about the SAT.
Facts About the ACT
Explore the history and find data about the SAT.
Test Optional Admissions
Test optional admissions gives the student agency in deciding what best represents their skills and abilities. As more universities acknowledge that the role of standardized tests should be more akin to optional elements like extra-curricular activities and AP tests, more of those universities are establishing permanent policies that limit or ignore tests in holistic admissions practices. Learn more about the history, research, and trends in test optional admission.
What is Test Optional
Learn more about test optional admissions history, policies, and practices.
Test Optional List
This regularly updated list of test optional and test free colleges and universities.