Deb Meier on Winning Testing Reform Victories

Dear friend:

Schools are closed for the summer. But testing reformers are not taking a vacation.

FairTest needs your support today, so our movement can win more victories this fall.

The past year was the best everfor campaigns to replace standardized exam misuse and overuse with better forms of assessment.

  • 41 additional colleges and universities adopted test-optional admissions
  • Three more states dropped discriminatory exit exams
  • Several others eliminated harmful, test-driven school grading schemes.

As always, FairTest has been the national leader pressing colleges to drop test score hurdles, testifying before state legislatures and backing up local activists with resources and media help. It is the only group with a laser-like focus on this key issue.

Unfortunately, all this great work has taken a toll on the organization’s finances.

I just made a major donation to fortify FairTest and urge you to do the same.

To strengthen the testing reform movement, please make your most generous possible contribution today. Click here:


or mail your check to: FairTest, 196 Spring Street, Arlington, MA 02476

With best wishes,

Deborah Meier