Friday’s New York Times gives FairTest the lead reaction quote in a story about how high-stakes testing pressures cause some educators to cheat on standardized tests.
The article, (also posted on the home page), includes a link to our website, which has already generated dozens of visitor referrals. This is the fifth or sixth time the nation’s leading newspaper has quoted FairTest this year.
So far in June, FairTest’s views have also been included in an article distributed nationally by the Associated Press, which ran in 100+ media outlets:…
and McClatchy News Service, the country’s largest newspaper chain, as well as individual stories in the Orlando Sentinel, Mother Jones, St. Petersburg Times, and Miami Herald.
In May, we were quoted in another broadly distributed national Associated Press wire story…
and outlets as diverse as the Baltimore Sun, Manchester Union Leader (NH), Central Oregon Online, Inside Higher Education, and Psychology Today, among others.
We also continue to be featured on the Washington Post “Answer Sheet”…
and the National Journal “Education Experts” blog…