A Message from Diane Ravitch

December 13, 2011

Five years ago, I could not imagine that I would one day be writing an appeal on behalf of FairTest. But I have changed my views and now see the damage that test-based accountability and No Child Left Behind have done to our children, our teachers, and our schools. I wish I had realized sooner what I know now. But it’s never too late to learn.

FairTest got it right: high-stakes testing is distorting the very purposes of education, demeaning the role of teachers, and turning our schools into test-prep factories.

If we truly want schools that respect professionalism and encourage creativity and innovation, our nation needs radically different policies for testing and accountability.

Those who admire the high-stakes testing status-quo are well funded. With the support of major foundations and the Department of Education, they are pushing for even more misuse of high-stakes standardized exams. FairTest is one of the few outspoken opponents of this misguided course of action.

Parents and teachers need a strong voice to advocate against the destructive misuse of test scores.

FairTest provides that voice.

FairTest has effectively stood up to the pro-testing onslaught:

  • coordinating a network of 150+ national education reform, civil rights, disability and advocacy groups who have demonstrated the flaws of “No Child Left Behind” and continues to push for a law that will truly benefit children
  • leading the movement for test-optional college admissions, which now lists more than 850 accredited bachelor-degree granting institutions that do not require either the SAT or ACT
  • serving as a clear voice with major news media offering credible arguments for fairer and more educationally sound assessments

Please help FairTest maintain the momentum into 2012 by making your most generous donation today either online at https://secure.entango.com/donate/MnrXjT8MQqk or by mailing a check to P.O. Box 300204, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130.


Diane Ravitch

P.S. Donations to FairTest are completely tax-deductible.