This page provides alternative assessment and accountability options based on ESSA as well as alternatives developed earlier. For additional resources on performance assessment and other alternatives, see Authentic Assessment.
- Overhauling Assessment to Improve Teaching and Learning: New Opportunities under the Every Student Succeeds Act
- Forum on Educational Accountability (FEA) Recommendations for Successful School Turnaround Efforts
- See the FEA statement, “A Research- and Experience-Based Turnaround Process,” that focuses on flexible local use of elements common to school improvement, and that Congress should include in ESEA/NCLB reauthorization.
- See Ratner and Neill, “Common Elements of Successful Turnarounds: Research and Experience,” for analysis and summary of research on successfully improving schools.
- See the FEA statement, “A Research- and Experience-Based Turnaround Process,” that focuses on flexible local use of elements common to school improvement, and that Congress should include in ESEA/NCLB reauthorization.
- A Better Way to Assess Students and Evaluate Schools, By Monty Neill, Published in Education Week Online: June 18, 2010
- “Multiple Measures: A Definition and Examples from the U.S. and Other Nations.” Includes a 2-page summary, 10 pp of text, and 2 appendices.
- Core recommendations for ESEA/NCLB reauthorization, from the Forum on Educational Accountability, are here.
- Empowering Schools and Improving Learning, by the Forum on Educational Accountability, chaired by FairTest. Signed by 85 national education, civil rights, religious, disability, parent and civic organizations.
- The “Joint Organizational Statement on No Child Left Behind” calls for significant changes to improve federal education policy.. See the Joint Statement and list of signers.
- The Expert Panel on Assessment recommends overhaul of NCLB testing and accountability provisions.
- Refocusing Accountability: Using Local Performance Assessments to Enhance Teaching and Learning for Higher Order Skills– paper co-authored by FairTest; with language to amend NCLB law.
- FairTest’s Accountability Page.
- Draft Principles for Authentic Accountability.
- Related discussion document, “A Draft Alternative Approach to Accountability.”
- See this Spring 2002 Examiner story on the assessment models in Maine and Nebraska which use multiple assessments rather than testing to meet the requirements of ESEA