Take action now to make sure a new federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is the best possible replacement of “No Child Left Behind” (NCLB).
Diehard test-and-punish proponents are still pushing to insert destructive “NCLB-lite” accountability provisions into a compromise bill. We need to stop that threat in its tracks!
The House and Senate conference committee will likely soon finish reconciling their different versions of ESEA. A new law ending federally mandated accountability will be an important step forward (even though neither house reduced the test-every-kid-every-year mandate). Meanwhile, we need to protect the right to opt out and encourage better assessments. Your letter will help ensure victory on these critical issues.
If you wrote before – write again!
Send this letter or call or fax your Senators and Representative today. (For Senate phone and fax numbers, go to http://www.senate.gov/senators/contact; for the House, go to http://www.house.gov/representatives/).
The direct URL for the letter is https://actionnetwork.org/letters/tell-congress-keep-federal-accountability-mandates-out-of-a-new-education-law