Testing Resistance & Reform News: July 14 – 20, 2021

Several states have begun to report spring 2021 standardized exam results. With many classrooms closed for more than a year and some students not even able to learn remotely because of technology challenges, it’s hardly surprising that average test results would drop. Rather than fixating on the fully expected score declines, education policy makers should focus on providing necessary resources to schools and educators so they can address the academic, social and emotional needs of the families they serve. Once again, standardized exam scores are not telling us anything useful for improving learning or equity.It’s pointless to try to measure educational health with such defective “thermometers” let alone to believe that they can help improve academic quality or equity.

ArkansasPandemic Era Score Decline Unfortunate But Not Unexpected

CaliforniaState Cuts Number of Tests Required for Teacher Licensing

Idaho“Rigor” Should Reflect Critical Thinking, Not Test Scores

IndianaCOVID Impacts on Test Results Exactly As Predicted

MassachusettsNew Selective High School Admissions Process De-emphasizes Test Scores, Adds Grades and Socioeconomic Status

New YorkTeacher Nominations Replace Gifted-and-Talented Test Selection

New York Project-Based Learning Can Jump Start Move Away From Test-Driven Schooling

North CarolinaDistrict Goes All-In on Intensive Math Tutoring Program

OhioSchools Adopt “Mastery Learning” Strategy in Wake of Pandemic

Rhode IslandInjustice of “No Child Left Behind” Still Hurts Children

University AdmissionsThe Year That ACT/SAT Requirements Went Away

Bob Schaeffer, Executive Director
FairTest: National Center for Fair & Open Testing
contributor:The Scandal of Standardized Tests: Why We Need to Drop the SAT & ACT
(Teachers College Press, 2020)
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