With the peak of the current coronavirus pandemic arguably behind us in much of the U.S., policymakers are beginning to discuss what should happen when the nation’s-public schools and colleges are allowed to re-open. Not surprisingly, the role of standardized exam scores in post-COVID-19 education is a key question. Parents, teachers and reform advocates should make the case for continuing the current suspension of high-stakes tests at least through the next academic year, while better forms of assessment are deployed. Now is the time to take advantage of letters to the editor, op eds, social media posts and other public forums to begin defining the terms of the debate about the future of education!
National Will Coronavirus Be the Tipping Point That Ends Annual School Testing?
California How Pandemic Has Affected School Accountability
California State May Reduce Number of Tests Required to Be a Teacher
Florida Old Geometry Test Scores May Substitute for Algebra Exit Exam Requirement
Georgia Proposal to End Use of edTPA Educator Licensing Test Moves Forward
Illinois Governor’s Executive Order Waives Teacher Testing Requirements
Louisiana Skipping Tests in 2020 May Offer Opening for Better Assessment Alternatives
Massachusetts No Companies Bid on Boston Exam Schools Testing Contract
New York State Needs to Overhaul Tests for Next Year or Cancel Them Again
New York Admission Criteria for “Screened” Schools May Change, Increasing Diversity
North Carolina No End-of-Grade Testing This Year
Utah State Waives Civics Test Requirement for High School Graduation
Virginia Student Assessment Must Change in a Post-Pandemic World
University Admissions University of California President Recommends System Drop ACT/SAT Tests
University Admissions Equity Concerns About At-Home Advanced Placement Exams
Worth Reading High-Stakes Testing Is Major Threat to Post-COVID Education
Bob Schaeffer, interim Executive Director
FairTest: National Center for Fair & Open Testing
contributor: The Scandal of Standardized Tests: Why We Need to Drop the SAT & ACT
(new from Teachers College Press, April 2020)
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web- http://www.fairtest.org