FairTest’s work to reduce the role of standardized tests as gatekeepers to higher education has never been more important – nor has it had as much support. Nationwide, scores of colleges and universities are reexamining their admissions policies and de-emphasizing test scores. Visit the following pages to learn more about our work on university testing reform:
- Gender and racial bias
- Test Score based scholarship programs such as the National Merit Scholarship.
- See FairTest’s 2013 news release: Release: National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Scores Vary Greatly State-By State
- Fact Sheets on the New SAT, ACT
- GRE, GMAT, MCAT, computerized testing, the predictive validity of the SAT, and a comparison of the SAT I/SAT II/ACT, and links to Examiner articles on test score misuse.
- Alternative to using tests– see FairTest’s list of schools that have de-emphasized test scores, read about the experiences of some of the schools on the list, download FairTest’s report “Test Scores Do Not Equal Merit,” and review Examiner articles on test-score optional admissions.
- News releases and Updates – read FairTest news releases and other updates related to university testing issues.